Senin, 11 Juni 2012


Somerset Grand Citra menawarkan apartemen dengan layanan yang terletak di Kawasan Segitiga Emas kota Jakarta. Akomodasi ini memiliki pusat kebugaran dan kolam renang terbuka yang indah serta menyediakan Wi-Fi gratis di lobi dan parkir pribadi gratis.
Somerset Grand Citra Jakarta dapat dicapai dalam waktu 10 menit berkendara dari Pusat Konvensi Jakarta. Berjarak 8 km dari Jalan Sudirman dan hanya 10 menit jalan kaki dari Mall Ambasador.
Apartemen-apartemen bintang 4 dengan layanan di Grand Citra Jakarta menawarkan perabotan klasik dan dapur yang lengkap. Apartemen juga dilengkapi dengan TV satelit dan akses internet. Untuk kenyamanan Anda, fasilitas menyetrika dan brankas juga disediakan.
Ruang-ruang mandi uap dan pijat menunggu tamu di spa Somerset Grand Citra. Jika Anda ingin berolahraga, lapangan tenis dan studio aerobik juga tersedia. Staf bisa menyediakan layanan menjaga anak dan layanan pramutamu.
Somerset Jakarta memiliki kafe dengan tempat duduk terbuka yang melayani sarapan Eropa setiap hari. Tersedia pula toko serba ada.
Somerset Grand Citra Jakarta menyediakan array yang luas dari fasilitas dan layanan, menyajikan akomodasi yang ideal untuk wisatawan bisnis maupun liburan. Menawarkan pilihan akomodasi dilayani di Jakarta, tinggal memastikan tinggal yang nyaman, lengkap dengan berbagai fasilitas dan fasilitas modern.Beban Beban Terapkan TerapkanTinggal Fitur & Fasilitas

AC dengan termostat yang dapat dikontrol
Balkon (pada rumah tinggal dipilih)
Kamar tidur dengan linen
Ensuite kamar mandi dengan handuk & peralatan mandi
Sepenuhnya dilengkapi dapur dengan:
Built-in oven listrik
Cooker hood kompor &
Glassware, periuk, sendok garpu & peralatan
Pengering rambut
Sistem hiburan rumah dengan:
Televisi dengan saluran satelit dan kabel
Hot air sistem
Pembantu kamar (pada rumah tinggal dengan dua atau lebih kamar tidur)
Uap besi & papan setrika
Telepon dengan:
Mesin cuci & pengering
Workstation dengan Biaya akses internet broadband Terapkan
Bisnis Matters

Audio visual sewa Biaya layanan Terapkan
Beban fungsi multi-tujuan ruang Terapkan
Workstation dengan Biaya akses internet broadband Terapkan
Istirahat & Relax

Aerobik ruangan
Barbecue teras
Anak taman bermain
Tari Anak Biaya studio Terapkan
Desainer kolam renang
Sepenuhnya-dilengkapi gimnasium dan sauna
Warga 'Lounge
Warga 'program
Biaya Spa Terapkan
Lapangan tenis
Kenyamanan & Kenyamanan

24-jam penerimaan
Bandara layanan transfer (sesuai permintaan) Beban Terapkan
Concierge layanan
Harian sarapan
Graha harian layanan (kecuali hari Minggu)
WiFi gratis di Lobby
Indoor / outdoor café
Layanan cuci laundry & dry Biaya Terapkan
Kantor agen perjalanan

Keamanan 24-jam & sirkuit tertutup surveilans TV
Generator cadangan
Elektronik kartu akses kunci
Dalam kamar elektronik yang amanLokasi
Somerset Grand Citra Jakarta berlokasi di tengah-tengah menara spektakuler, monumen bersejarah dan restoran internasional, menjadikannya pilihan ideal apartemen di Jakarta. Lokasi yang strategis kediaman dilayani menjamin akses mudah ke semua tempat-tempat menarik sehingga tamu dapat menjelajahi dan mengalami kota dengan mudah.
Mendapatkan ke Somerset Grand Citra JakartaDari Bandara Soekarno-Hatta:

Dengan Taksi: 30 menit dan biaya sekitar Rp

Workstation Workstation dengan akses internet broadband dengan akses internet broadband
AC dengan termostat yang dapat dikontrol Air-conditioning dengan termostat yang dapat dikontrol
Harian benua breakfastDaily sarapan
Laundry & dry cleaning dry servicesLaundry & kering
Dalam kamar elektronik safeIn kamar elektronik yang aman
Gratis WiFi di LobbyFree WiFi di LobbyInformasi UmumIklim
Indonesia adalah negara tropis dengan dua musim dasar: kering dan basah. Mei-Oktober milik musim kemarau dan November-April adalah musim hujan. Hujan diharapkan pada musim kemarau dan tidak mengherankan, adalah mungkin untuk merasakan sinar matahari selama musim hujan. Suhu berkisar dari 21 ° C (69,8 ° F) - 33 ° C (91,4 ° F).Pakaian
Pakaian kasual direkomendasikan untuk cuaca panas sedangkan pakaian formal sesuai untuk bisnis dan pertemuan.Mata uang
Rupiah Indonesia (Rp) adalah mata uang di Jakarta. Kas adalah bentuk yang paling disukai sementara pembayaran kartu kredit hanya diterima di restoran dan hotel.Bea cukai
Tidak ada batas jumlah mata uang asing atau cek perjalanan yang satu dapat membawa dalam atau di luar Indonesia. Namun, dilarang mengimpor atau mengekspor currency indonesian melebihi Rp 5.000.000 kecuali disetujui oleh Bank Indonesia. Item tertentu seperti TV, obat, amunisi, pornografi serta bahan dicetak dalam huruf Cina dan obat Cina tidak diizinkan untuk dibawa ke Indonesia.Listrik
Listrik dipasok pada 220 volt di Indonesia.Nomor Telepon PentingPolisi 110Api Layanan 113Ambulans 118

Klinik dan rumah sakit yang tersedia dan fasilitas medis yang memadai. Minum hanya air matang dan botol. Vaksinasi dianjurkan sebelum mengunjungi Jakarta.Ponsel
Jaringan diterima di Jakarta adalah GSM dan CDMA.Telepon Umum
Panggilan dapat dibuat dari semua telepon umum menggunakan koin atau phonecards. Hanya beberapa daerah menerima kartu kredit. Panggilan internasional juga dapat dibuat dari beberapa stand.Belanja & Bisnis Jam
Pusat perbelanjaan biasanya buka jam 10:00 sedangkan jam penutupan dapat bervariasi, tergantung pada toko individu.

Bank: Buka dari 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Senin sampai Jumat dan 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Sabtu.
Komersial kantor: Buka dari 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Senin sampai Jumat dan 9:00 pagi - 13:00 hari Sabtu.
Kantor Pemerintah: Buka dari 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Senin sampai Jumat.

Sebuah pajak pemerintah 10% (atau PPN) dikenakan pada semua tagihan. Beberapa restoran dapat mengenakan pajak hingga 21% termasuk service charge.Zona waktu
GMT +7.Tipping
Sebuah service charge 11% akan ditambahkan ke tagihan di restoran dan hotel. Namun, tip terserah preferensi seseorang.Visa
Visa tidak diperlukan bagi pengunjung dari 42 negara dengan hubungan diplomatik dengan Indonesia. Jika tidak, visa yang valid diperlukan untuk memasuki Jakarta.

AtraksiGlodok & Jalan Surabaya
Ini adalah daerah perbelanjaan terkenal di Jakarta. Hal ini terkenal karena banyak toko yang antik dan warung pinggir jalan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam keramik, mebel antik dan lampu tua Belanda. Harga yang murah dan biasanya barang murah dapat ditemukan. Pusat perbelanjaan yang paling komprehensif adalah pemerintah yang dioperasikan Sarinah Department Store di Jalan MH Thamrin.Museum Nasional (Museum Nasional)
Museum Nasional juga disebut Gajah Museum (Elephant Musuem) sebagai gajah perunggu berdiri tepat di depan gedung sejak tahun 1871. Gajah adalah hadiah dari Raja Chulalongkorn dari Thailand pada tahun 1871 ketika ia mengunjungi Batavia. Museum ini menyimpan koleksi unik dari peninggalan budaya Indonesia yang menarik khusus serta Cina dan Asia Tenggara keramik. Ruang Treasure, dengan pameran ternilai harganya, hanya buka hari Minggu pagi atau permintaan khusus.Taman Ismail Marzuki (Jakarta Art Centre)
Titik fokus kegiatan budaya, Kesenian Jakarta Pusat tahap pertunjukan oleh Jakarta Symphony Orchestra dan kelompok drama serta pertunjukan seni daerah, tarian rakyat, resital lagu dan konser. Akan ada peristiwa dipentaskan setiap bulan dan tiket dapat dibeli di Pusat.Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Peregangan lebih dari 250 hektar di bagian timur Jakarta adalah Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). TMII menampilkan 26 propinsi ditemukan di seluruh Indonesia dalam bentuk miniatur, memberikan orang kesempatan yang sempurna untuk memahami seluk-beluk, tradisi dan warisan bangsa ini. lebih lebihAncol Dreamland
Ancol Dreamland lokal dikenal sebagai Taman Impian Jaya Ancol adalah wonderland hiburan terletak di sepanjang pantai yang indah dari Jakarta. Dengan dimulainya pada tahun 1966, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol dikenal sebagai kawasan wisata terpadu terbesar di Asia Tenggara. lebih lebihMasjid Istiqlal
Luas lebih dari 9 hektar di Jakarta adalah Masjid Istiqlal, juga dikenal sebagai Masjid Masjid. Ini masjid megah, yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara, dibangun untuk memperingati kemerdekaan Indonesia dari Belanda pada 1949. Oleh karena itu, masjid nasional Indonesia bernama "Istiqlal", yang merupakan kata Arab untuk "kemerdekaan". lebih lebihKepulauan Seribu
Jakarta tenang Bay merapat lebih dari 100 pulau indah yang dikenal sebagai Kepulauan Seribu atau Pulau Seribu dalam bahasa Melayu. Rekreasi, hiburan, olahraga air dan dunia kecantikan yang hidup tersembunyi di bawah laut, adalah beberapa hal yang menyegarkan di toko di Kepulauan Seribu. lebih lebihWaterbom Jakarta
Salah satu tempat diisi paling menarik dan menyenangkan untuk mengunjungi saat berlibur di Jakarta adalah Waterbom Jakarta taman air. Dikemas dengan banyak hiburan dan sensasi, taman dirancang dalam tema "Urban Cool" dan merupakan tempat yang tepat untuk kedua anak-anak dan orang dewasa untuk menikmati diri mereka sendiri. Datang dan terpesona oleh lansekap yang indah dari taman dan mengalami kegembiraan yang tidak pernah berakhir dalam liburan yang unik berlokasi di Pantai Indah Kapuk di bagian Utara Jakarta. lebih lebihPecinan di Jakarta
Jakarta dipenuhi dengan banyak kesempatan belanja, atraksi penting dan warisan budaya yang kaya, sehingga tempat berlibur yang populer di antara para pelancong asing. Chinatown, yang juga dikenal sebagai Glodok, merupakan salah satu atraksi yang paling dikunjungi di kota sebagai daerah itu sangat mencerminkan tradisi dan budaya China. lebih lebihMasjid Kubah Mas
Sayang dikenal di kalangan penduduk setempat sebagai Masjid Emas, Masjid Kubah Mas adalah salah satu situs agama yang paling signifikan di kota Jakarta. Menarik jamaah dan pengunjung dari seluruh dunia, ini alasan suci adalah daya tarik wisata utama kota. lebih lebihMonumen Nasional (Monas)
Monumen Nasional di Jakarta, juga secara lokal dikenal sebagai Monas, merupakan salah satu monumen kota yang paling terkenal. Dibuka untuk melihat masyarakat pada tahun 1975, dibutuhkan bentuk menara 129 meter dengan representasi dari api, yang tercakup dalam kertas emas, pada puncaknya.Istana Merdeka
Kediaman resmi Presiden Republik Indonesia, Istana Merdeka adalah istana indah yang terletak di Jakarta Pusat. Terletak di tengah-tengah Lapangan Merdeka dan Monumen Nasional, itu merupakan daya tarik utama di kota, menarik sejumlah orang tertarik untuk menyaksikan kemegahan arsitektur Indonesia. lebih lebihMuseum Wayang
Wayang adalah sebuah pertunjukan teater populer memanfaatkan penari manusia atau boneka. Hal ini digunakan untuk mengajar moral dan juga untuk menghibur dan dianggap sebagai bentuk yang sangat berpengaruh seni. Museum Wayang adalah tempat yang didedikasikan untuk wayang boneka. Terletak di Jakarta, museum ini adalah rumah bagi koleksi wayang boneka dari berbagai wilayah di negara serta negara-negara lain. lebih lebihMaritime Museum
Museum Maritim terkenal di Jakarta terletak di daerah pelabuhan tua yang dikenal sebagai Sunda Kelapa, di ujung utara kota. Pameran akan ditampilkan di gedung-gedung bekas, yang dulunya gudang Perusahaan India Timur Belanda. Menggunakan gambar dan model skala miniatur, museum ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya laut di Indonesia akan tradisi dan pentingnya melanjutkan laut yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan untuk masa kini ekonomi Indonesia. lebih lebih
Shuttle bus Damri tersedia untuk mengangkut penumpang per jam untuk daerah tertentu di Jakarta.Inter-Terminal
Sebuah bus antar-jemput beroperasi antara kedua terminal.Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
Ada tiga terminal di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Terminal I & III melayani penerbangan domestik sedangkan Terminal II melayani penerbangan internasional dan domestik.Taksi-taksi
Taksi tersedia di counter Aula Umum Daerah Kedatangan. Taksi menggunakan argo dan biaya tambahan akan ditambahkan ke ongkos.

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

tugas teknik supervisi

A. Main Tasks
A. Receiving Reports from the Front Desk of the expected arrival room, and ED, as well as continued attention to the subordinate (Roomboy).
2. Check rooms and public areas, especially for guests CIP.
3. Record and report on the "Missing Article", damages and the repairs.
4. Provide guidance on work procedures and instructions to his subordinates.
5. Oversee the operational administration of the Housekeeping Department and Materials requisition.
6. Provide guidance and organize General Linen and Uniform Room or Roomboy Station.
7. Responsible for supplies Cleaning Supplies, Guest Supplies, and all storage.
8. Receive and investigate reports of his subordinates, and if necessary make a Request for Repair.
9. Lost and Found handle.
10. Make inventory linen, guest supplies, cleaning supplies and other end of each month.
11. Make a report about the lost report, monthly report damage.
12. Creating a time schedule for the Housekeeping Department employees.
13. Lead set-up and clear-up furniture when there function and others.
14. Organize employees on leave and license.
15. Hold checking all areas including the garden.
16. Immediately contact the supervisor, if any thing improper.
B. Additional tasks
A. Fostering a harmonious working compactness and good cooperation with other department.
2. Assessing the job performance of subordinates directly.
3. Create and foster a healthy working atmosphere.
4. Carry out all orders from superiors.
5. Organizing briefings and meetings.
Here are the steps - steps that work I want to do in making a planning job in Housekeeping:
A. Area Inventory List
Planning work in the Housekeeping department starts with making an inventory list of all areas that fall under the responsibility of the Housekeeping Department. Preparation of area inventory list is the first step in the planning, because the list will be known to all the work to be done by housekeeping. Inventory list meruapakan a long list and should be written in detail. This was due to the diversity of the characteristics of the space and the area as a general housekeeping duties.
For the manufacture of a guestroom inventory list, the best way is by following the procedures or the sequence of cleaning the room by room boy and order - the order of the examination room by Supervisor .. For example, a room inventory list, created in sequence clockwise or anti clockwise and from top to bottom. Various other methods can be made in accordance with the tastes and needs, but most importantly in this case is a system that has been made must be executed and obeyed both by Pramukamar or by the supervisor in carrying out their duties - each.
2. Frequency Schedules
Definition of schedule frequency is the number of times an item is listed in the inventory list to be cleaned or - maintained. Frequency of cleaning an item can be every day or every week depending on the standard procedure of execution of the work of a hotel, while the time of the examination can be daily or weekly, but remain to be implemented periodically general (deep) cleaning.
Making general cleaning schedule should be made in a calendar plan. Calendar plan is a guideline housekeeper to make not only for the work schedules for staff, but the amount of energy needed to carry out the cleaning project was special. For example, general cleaning done during low season and pay attention to the work plans of other departments, for example, by observing when the air conditioner maintenance schedule by the engineering department. Planning a general cleaning schedule should be to minimize disruption to guests and other departments.
3. Performance Standard
Performance standards in the manufacture of the first things done is to answer the question:
Ø Any items that need to be cleaned or maintained and in which areas are?
Ø What are the standards to be met in carrying out this work?
Performance standard not only contains about what activities are to be implemented, but also covers in detail how the activities are exercised.
A key objective in planning the work in the housekeeping is every employee how to perform the work in accordance with the standards set. The key to job pelaksanakan always consistent or standard, then a lady housekeeper should make performance standards, communication and direction to subordinates.
The most important aspect that can be achieved with a performance standard is the occurrence of a consensus on how the implementation of a job.
Performance standards are the result of cooperation between management and employees made in a training program. So it can be said is a standard performance agreement to be executed and obeyed by all employees, because they alone were made. Implementation of the work in accordance with the standards can only be achieved memalui continuous training program.
After discussing (more precisely when it is said to test) a performance standard in a training program. each job is in conformity with performance standards, the key word is control. The results of monitoring carried out every day and the evaluation work carried out at regular intervals should be followed up with a retraining program. It aims to ensure that all employees perform their duties effectively and efficiently. Housekeeper must conduct a review at least once a year, to see if the department - as a whole - has been carrying out a predetermined performance standard, or did he have to do a revision and create a new working methods to be applied to next year.
4. Productivity Standards
Productivity standards or standards of productivity, can be interpreted, "amount" of work can be completed by each employee. Developing a standard for productivity begins by answering the question: how much time is needed by an employee in completing the job retention (in accordance with established performance standards) are charged to him. Productivity standards for each employee shall be determined by reference to the plan of operating costs has been determined.
Because of the diversity of performance standards adopted by each hotel, making it impossible to create a standard that applies in general productivity. The size of a hotel and service levels that must be given to the guests also resulted in the diversity of productivity standards for each employee. One way is used to set standards of productivity is, housekeeper must know how much time is needed by employees to complete a job, according to the standard implementation of the work that has been set.
For example, a Pramukamar productivity standards in preparing the room, is to divide the working time available to the average time required to prepare a room in a single work period or shift.
The quality and quantity of work can menjadii a double-edged dagger. On one hand, if the determination of performance standards are too high, then the number of jobs generated will be low. While on the other hand, sooner or later (usually sooner than expected), the supreme leader or the hotel general manager will use both the blade to cut the high cost of labor incurred by the housekeeping department. This action forced the housekeeper to reduce the number of employees as well as the balance between productivity and quality by the way, reviewing the performance standard in order to remain in line with productivity standards.
On the other hand if the establishment of performance standards are too low, the quantity of work will be high. At first the general manager might be satisfied. Performance standards are too rendahi can lead to complaints from guests and employees increased, as a reflection of the changing kondisin hotel is dirty or not standard, this situation allows the general manager again using a knife, cut the time by the housekeeper's career by replacing it with other people, and directly oversee the operational costs with strict housekeeping.
Challenges that must be answered is the balance between job quality standards with the quantity of work. Both of these should not be considered as two daggers that can injure the eye, both can be used as tools and controls for the other

Senin, 19 Desember 2011


No. 1
"Leadership adalaha As a process of influence on the direction and activities of a group of interconnected duties" (according to Stoner)
According to George Terry
• Leadership is an activity to influence others to want to work with voluntary groups to achieve goals.
According to O'Donnell Cyriel
• Leadership is influence others to participate in achieving common goals.
Elements of Leadership
• A cadre of movers,
• The participant-driven, the communication, the goals of the organization
• The benefits are not only enjoyed by some members
Functions of Leadership
• Taking decisions
• Develop information
• Maintain and develop member loyalty
• Provide encouragement and enthusiasm to the members
• Responsible for all activities of activities
• Conduct oversight of the implementation of activities
• Giving an award to members who excel

a. As it relates to employment
• Taking the initiative
• Set the pace and direction
• Provide information
• Provide support for
• Give thought
• Taking a conclusion
b. Related to the cohesiveness of the members:
• Encouraging, friendly, receptive
• Be reconciled
• Capable of opinion change and adapt
• Facilitate the implementation of the task
• Provide rules

Factors - Factors Affecting Leadership Behavior

According to Mary Parker Follett, there are three variables that affect leadership styles are:
• Leader
• The ability and leadership qualities
• Followers or subordinates
Ability and quality of followers in the receiving direction from their leaders.
• Situation
Environment that affects the followers or subordinates.

No. 2
Leadership is a decision and more a result of the change in character or in a person's internal transformation. Leadership is not position or title, but a birth of a long process of change in a person. When someone found a vision and mission of his life, when there is peace within ourselves (inner peace) and form a solid character building, when every utterance and action began to give effect to the environment, and when existence is driving changes in the organization, that's when a person is born a leader True. So the leader is not just a title or position is given from the outside but something that grows and develops from within oneself. Leadership is born of internal processes (leadership from the inside out).
Real leadership is not determined by one's rank or position. Leadership is something that comes from within and is the fruit of one's decision to want to be a leader, both for themselves, for family, for the work environment, as well as for social environment and even to his country. "I do not think you have to be waering stars on your shoulders or a title to be leadar. WHO Anybody want to raise his hand can be a leader any time ", says Ronal deftly by General Fogleman, Air Force General of the United States, which means I do not think you use a star on your shoulder or a title of leader. Other people who want to raise their hands can be a leader at a later time.
Often times a true leader is not known to exist by those they lead. Even when the mission or task completed, then all team members would say that they who do it themselves. True leader is an encourager (encourager), motivator, inspiration, dams maximizer.
The concept of thinking like this is something new and may not be accepted by conventional leaders who actually expect respect and praise (honor & praise) of those they lead. The more commendable even cult, the higher the heart and am left forgotten a leader. Precisely true leadership is leadership that is based on humility (humble).
Lessons about humility and true leadership can be obtained from the life story of Nelson Mandela. A great leader of South Africa, who brought his people from a racist state into a democratic country and the suffering of 27 years in prison merdeka.Selama Apartheid government, it gave birth to the change in him. He became a man so humble and willing to forgive those who have to suffer many subs - year.
As said by a famous author, Kenneth Blanchard, that leadership begins on the inside and out to serve those they lead. Change the character is everything - everything for a true leader. Without a change from within, peace without self, without humility, without a strong integrity, endurance of hardship and challenges, and a clear vision and mission, a person will never be a true leader.
A type of leadership that is Q Leader has 4 meanings associated with true leadership, namely:
Ø Q means intelligence or intelligence. As in IQ means intelligence, emotional intelligence means EQ, and SQ means of spiritual intelligence. Q leader is a leader who has the intelligence of IQ, EQ, SQ is quite high.
Ø Q leader means having leadership quality (quality), both from the aspect of visionary and managerial aspects.
Ø Q leader is a leader who has qi (pronounced 'chi' in Mandarin, which means life).
Ø Q qolbu fourth or inner self. A true leader is someone who really - really recognize him (qolbunya) and can manage and control (self-management or management qolbu).
Q Being a leader means being a leader is always learning and growing constantly to reach a level or levels of Q (intelligence-quality-qi-qolbu) higher in the effort to achieve the mission and goals of the organization and the achievement of the meaning of the life of every person of a leader.
Summary Q leadership in three important aspects of the abbreviated menajadi 3C, namely:
• Changes in the character of the self (character chage).
• a clear vision (clear vision).
• high ability or competence (competence).
The third case was based on an attitude of discipline to continually grow, learn and grow both internally (the development of intrapersonal skills, technical skills, pengatahuan, etc.) or in conjunction with others (interpersonal skills development and leadership methods). As John Maxwell says, "The only way that i can keep leading is to keep growing. The the day I stop growing, somebody else takes the leadership baton. That is way it always it. "The only way for me to remain a leader is I have to constantly grow. When I stop growing, others will take over the leadership of TSB.
No. 3
task-tugaspokok leaders include:
a. Exercising managerial functions, namely the form of principal activities include the implementation of:
- Preparation of Plans
- Drafting of Organizational Control Organization Assessment Briefing
- Reporting
b. Encourage (motivate) subordinates to work hard and diligently
c. Fostering subordinates in order to take responsibility for each task are
d. Fostering subordinates in order to work effectively and efficiently
e. Creating a good working climate and harmonious
f. Develop management functions in both
g. Being a good driver and can be a source of creativity
h. Being a representative in developing relationships with outsiders
No. 4
Leadership style is the way a pemimpan behave, communicate, and interact with others in influencing people to do sesuatu.Gaya may differ - different on the basis of motivation, power, or orientation to the task or a particular person. Among the several styles of leadership, there are leaders who are positive and negative, where the difference was based on the way and their efforts to motivate employees. If the approach in the provision of motivation are emphasized on a fee or reward (both economic and non-economic) berartitelah used a positive leadership style. Conversely, if the approach emphasizes the penalty or punishment, then he's applying a negative leadership style. The second approach may be resulting in an acceptable performance in many situations, but it poses a human loss.
I choose the style of leadership delegation, because:
1. Delegation allows managers to achieve more than when dealing with the task itself
2. Delegation is a necessary process for the organization to function more efficiently
3. Delegation allows managers to focus energies on the tasks of priority
4. Delegation allows subordinates to grow and develop.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

authority and delegation

Nama : Muhamad Darno
Nim : 2011 145 050

1. Conclusion
Is right to do something or ordering others to do or not do anything to achieve certain goals
1.Teori formal
That authority is conferred or inherited.
2. Reception theory
That person's authority arises only when it is received by groups or individuals.


Is the ability to influence individuals, groups, decision or event.
Power is divided into:
 Power remuneration
 The power of coercion
 Power legitimate
 The power of information control
 The power of role models
 The power of expert

Is a social transaction in which a person or group persuaded by someone or other groups to conduct activities in accordance with their expectations that influence.

The delegation of formal authority and responsibility to others to carry out certain activities. Usually made from superior to subordinate

No. 2
Because usually people who are given assignments to see who the person who mamberikan delegation. What is his authority and pangaruhnya for the company. If the high authority and great pangaruhnya for the company that person is willing to do (work assignments). If not then the opposite
no. 3
 Delegation allows managers to achieve more than when handling the task themselves  can create / achieve maximum results because it combines some of the results of delegation

 Delegation is a necessary process for the organization to function more efficiently  with a delegation of the organization is more active role, because the manager not only work alone but there are organizations that assist him in doing the work
 Delegation allows managers to focus energies on priority tasks  managers can better focus on whole perform tasks that are important, because other non-operational tasks can be done by his subordinates by delegating
 Delegation allows subordinates to grow and develop subordinates  could play a more active because of the presence of delegating the responsibility of being a larger and a challenge for subordinates.
No. 4
managers need to estimate or calculate the number of subordinates and the number of lines of responsibility held by managers, in order to align the number of subordinates and lininya to be appropriate in the amount of handling so that each line can be done effectively and efficiently. Managers should be able to distribute tasks to subordinates that he has to be sufficient in dealing with each line
The way managers in delegating
 Make a plan ahead and prevent problems.
 Setting realistic goals and objectives
 To approve the employment standards
 Align duty or obligation to the ability of subordinates
 Train and develop subordinate staff by providing duty and authority of both written and oral.
 To control and coordinate the work of subordinates by measuring the achievement of objectives based on standards and provide feedback achievements.
 Visit subordinates more often and listen to complaints - complaints.
 Help them to solve the problem by providing a useful new ideas.
 Provide 'reward' for the results achieved.
 Do not take back the task has been delegated

Selasa, 22 November 2011

tugas online FO II

Job Description Reception

resepsionis adalah orang atau orang-orang yang bekerja di meja depan hotel, ucapan tamu pada saat kedatangan dan membantu mereka dengan masalah selama mereka tinggal. Seorang resepsionis hotel juga dapat disebut sebagai petugas meja. Kebanyakan hotel hanya memerlukan resepsionis mereka untuk memiliki ijazah sekolah tinggi atau setara, meskipun beberapa mungkin memiliki gelar sarjana di wilayah seperti bisnis atau manajemen hotel.
Dalam hari untuk bekerja hari, seorang resepsionis hotel mungkin akan perlu menjawab telepon ketika tamu potensial panggilan, untuk menjawab pertanyaan atau mengambil pemesanan. Dia atau dia akan perlu untuk mempertahankan catatan dan mungkin menciptakan dan menjaga sistem pengarsipan, dan menjaga area kerja nya rapi karena itu adalah hal pertama seorang tamu akan melihat saat memasuki hotel. Ketika tamu tiba, resepsionis hotel akan selesai check in proses.
Hal ini melibatkan menugaskan kamar untuk tamu, menciptakan kunci, dan menjelaskan kebijakan mengenai check-out kali dan setiap makan disertakan. Resepsionis akan perlu untuk mempertahankan laci kas dalam rangka untuk menerima pembayaran untuk kamar, baik pada kartu tunai atau kredit. Dia juga mungkin perlu mengatur account biaya untuk para tamu untuk digunakan selama mereka menginap, sehingga mereka mampu mengisi hal-hal ke kamar mereka, dan membayar untuk itu semua sekaligus pada saat check-out.
Sebuah resepsionis hotel tersedia bagi para tamu untuk menjawab pertanyaan di sepanjang tinggal mereka. Para tamu hanya bisa menghubungi meja depan, atau mereka mungkin berhenti. Jika tamu memiliki masalah, resepsionis harus mampu memecahkan masalah sendiri, atau langsung tamu untuk seseorang yang dapat. Akhirnya, resepsionis hotel akan membantu tamu untuk memeriksa dan menerima pembayaran akhir untuk kamar dan layanan mereka. Resepsionis harus memastikan para tamu telah tinggal menyenangkan, dan mendengarkan setiap saran yang mereka miliki untuk perbaikan.
Resepsionis Hotel membutuhkan keahlian komputer yang baik dan keterampilan matematika, serta kemampuan untuk menyediakan layanan pelanggan yang baik. Resepsionis mungkin salah satu karyawan hotel hanya itu tamu melihat selama mereka menginap, jadi penting bahwa mereka mewakili pembentukan baik. Resepsionis dapat bekerja penuh atau paruh waktu, dan hotel sering akan memiliki seorang resepsionis di meja depan 24 jam sehari, sehingga shift dapat bervariasi secara signifikan. Resepsionis Hotel mungkin dapat dipromosikan ke posisi pengawas jika mereka berhasil di pekerjaan mereka.

Refernsi :

Seorang resepsionis hotel biasanya bekerja di belakang meja depan dekat pintu masuk hotel. Resepsionis hotel yang paling gaun untuk proyek citra profesional untuk majikan mereka. Sebuah pekerjaan resepsionis hotel termasuk tugas dan tanggung jawab bisa. Tidak ada persyaratan pendidikan khusus untuk menjadi resepsionis hotel, meskipun kebanyakan majikan lebih suka mempekerjakan seseorang dengan ijazah sekolah tinggi.

1. Arti
resepsionis hotel sering satu-satunya karyawan dengan siapa para tamu berinteraksi. Oleh karena itu, penting bahwa karyawan tersenyum dan menyapa tamu-tamu mereka dengan cara yang ramah. Tugas resepsionis hotel terutama meliputi membantu para tamu check-in, menyediakan mereka dengan kunci, dan menunjukkan mereka di mana kamar mereka berada. Resepsionis Hotel juga bertanggung jawab untuk membantu para tamu ketika mereka check out dari hotel dan penanganan pembayaran mereka.
Sebuah pekerjaan resepsionis hotel juga memerlukan memastikan kebutuhan para tamu 'terpenuhi, mengirim mereka ketika mereka meminta persediaan mereka, dan bahkan menyimpan barang berharga mereka. Resepsionis Hotel juga mengambil pemesanan melalui telepon, dan bahkan memberikan arah ke hotel bila perlu. Para karyawan ini juga dapat memberikan panggilan bangun untuk tamu di pagi hari, dan bahkan mengatur transportasi untuk off-situs kunjungan tamu.
Kadang-kadang, resepsionis akan membantu mengatur pertemuan bisnis bagi perusahaan memegang konvensi di hotel mereka. Akibatnya, mereka mungkin perlu untuk bekerja dengan karyawan lain dalam mendirikan ruang konferensi. Resepsionis Hotel juga mungkin perlu untuk membantu koordinasi pengiriman minuman, makanan ringan dan bahkan makan siang untuk tamu bisnis.
Seperti kantor atau resepsionis gigi, resepsionis hotel harus memiliki komunikasi yang sangat baik dan keterampilan orang, menurut Biro Statistik Tenaga Kerja '"Outlook Kerja Buku Pegangan: 2010-2010 Edition" di Selain keterampilan berbicara, para karyawan juga harus tahu bagaimana untuk mendengarkan tamu dan memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Tugas resepsionis hotel juga mengharuskan karyawan untuk memiliki keterampilan komputer, sebagai transaksi hotel yang paling dilakukan pada terminal komputer.
5.Gaji dan Outlook Kerja
Pada Juni 2010, tarif per jam rata-rata resepsionis hotel di Amerika Serikat adalah antara $ 8 dan $ 11, menurut Angka ini membayar akan bervariasi sesuai dengan tempat, kota atau prestise dari hotel. Jumlah pekerjaan resepsionis, termasuk resepsionis hotel, diperkirakan meningkat 15 persen antara 2008 dan 2018, menurut Biro Statistik Tenaga Kerja.

Referensi :

Melayani tamu secara efisien, ramah tamah dan professional di Front Desk, juga selalu meningkatkan dan mempertahankan standard service & keramah tamahan dari waktu ke waktu.

Menguasai dan memahami:
- Check in dan check out prosedur
- Product Knowledge
- Melayani tamu check in dan check out.
Melakukan penataan atas ketepatan formulir dan informasi.
Mencatat data “Forwarding Address” tamu.
Membantu tamu dalam pengisian Registration Card, memeriksa kelengkapan dan ketepatan pengisian.
Meminta meng-copy kartu pengenal/Passport tamu bila merasa perlu.
Memberikan kunci kamar sesuai dengan tipe kamar yang diminta.

Referensi :

Sabtu, 12 November 2011



Company's strategic plan is a long-term plan that is comprehensive, providing a formula to which companies will be directed, and how resources are allocated to achieve the goal for a certain period in a variety of possible circumstances.


Stage 1: Budget and financial control. This stage uses the budget as a tool of planning and control. Managerial actions based on short-term projections and oriented business functions, assuming a stable environment.
Stage 2: Long-term planning.
Stage 3: Planning a business strategy. Management's attention shifted from the company's internal functions (production function) to the company's external environment (marketing function). As a result, developing business diversification, there is business segmentation, autonomous business units called strategic business units (strategic business unit, SBU).
Phase 4: Strategic planning company. It is necessary to reduce the internal conflict. Integrated strategic planning which is purely administrative.
Stage 5: Strategic Management. Strategic planning is integrated not only in the sub-system of administration alone, but also various sub-systems in other management processes, such as organizational structure, information, human resource form the corporate culture as a whole. The unification of the various subsystems managerial infrastructure and the establishment of corporate culture is organized, developed and directed the strategic management.


 Determine the limits of business / business. Selecting the focus area of ​​business that will be developed based on all layers of management.

 Provide direction of the company. Menentuan business boundaries and direction of the company are two sides of same coin which underlies or produced. Secondly it is the basis of priority setting corporate policy and action in the face of environmental change.

 Directing and shaping corporate culture. Strategic plan to support the direction and the formation of corporate culture through a process of interaction, bargaining, or reciprocal communication.

 Maintain a consistent policy and appropriate.

 Maintain flexibility and stability operations.

 Facilitate the preparation of the annual activity plan and budget.


This approach can be categorized into two groups based on the scope and point of discussion on the one hand and the emphasis on process or outcome on the other. In the first grouping, according to Porter, there is a classical approach to dealing with non-classical approach. Then, in the second group there are behavioral approach to dealing with the administrative approach.

1. Classical Approach
The classical approach was introduced by Porter to distinguish common with their own approach. In the environmental analysis included all factors of business environment, either directly or indirectly, so it is global.

This approach is relatively easy because of two things: the information required is global and simple techniques used.

2. Non-Classical Approach
Non-classical approach or the approach focuses on the analysis of Porter's competitive position, so that only the immediate environment of the relevant companies. This approach requires that sufficient information about the parties in the competitive environment. Results are specific about the strategies selected companies.

3. Administrative Approach
The focus of this approach is an official document of strategic plans containing qualified direction and corporate strategy. This approach is less attention to factors and varying levels of commitment and management areas.

4. Behavioral Approach
Contrary to the administrative approach. The emphasis of this approach are the main benefits of a strategic plan rather than on the results of official documents, but on the commitments, agreements, behaviors resulting from the process of drafting the document.


 Formulation of the company's mission;
 Analysis of advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT);
 Determination of the direction, objectives and strategies;
 Identify the programs and financial projections.



According to Wheelen and Hunger (1987) strategic management is the set of managerial decisions and actions that determine the performance of business entities in the long run. MS includes the formulation, implementation, and evaluation or control strategy. Thus, the study of strategic management focuses on activities to monitor and evaluate opportunities and environmental constraints, in addition to the strengths and weaknesses of the company. In this case, strategic planning is part of MS, because it does not include the implementation, evaluation, and control strategies, but only includes the formulation of strategy.

On the other hand, is a study of business policies that are integrative and comprehensive as it is more likely to look into the company, with emphasis on the problem of the efficiency of utility-owned resources company. Thus, the formulation of business policy focuses on the general guidelines that allow a better achievement of the mission and goals of the company. So, in strategic management business policy are also covered, but with greater emphasis on environmental aspects and strategy.


According to Gluck, Kaufman and Walleck (1982), there are four phases of the evolution of strategic management:
Phase I: Basic Financial Planning: to seek operational and managerial control either by using the budget as an instrument.

Phase II: Forecast-based planning: seeking a more effective planning system to achieve corporate growth, by estimating a future state for a longer time.

Phase III: externally oriented planning: seeking increased sensitivity to the market and competition by trying to think strategically.

Phase IV: Strategic management: seeking to organize all the resources available to develop the competitiveness and membantuk create the future.

Hax and Majluf (1984), the evolution of strategic management consists of five levels:
I. Bugeting and financial control with the budget as an instrument;
II. Long range planning;
III. Businees strategic planning;
IV. Corporate strategic planning: an integrated long-term planning.
V. Strategic management.


Hax and Majluf (1984) distinguish two kinds of strategic management process, namely the level of business units (business) and enterprise (corporate).

Strategic Business Planning:
 The mission of the business units.
 Formulation of business strategy and program.
 Formulation and evaluation of specific programs.
 The allocation of resources and performance measurement for management control.
 Budgeting business unit level.
 Approval budgeting of a strategic and operational funds.

Corporate Strategic Planning:
 Vision business entity.
 strategic posture and planning guidelines.
 The mission of the business units.
 Formulation of a comprehensive strategy and work program.
 Formulation of functional strategy.
 Consolidation of strategic business unit and functional strategies.
 Determination and evaluation of specific work programs business unit.
 Determination and evaluation of specific functional work program.
 The allocation of resources and determination of performance measurement.
 Budgeting business unit level.
 Budgeting functional level.
 Konsolisasi budgeting and approval of strategic and operational funds.

Strategic planning model by Pearce II and Robinson (1988) did not distinguish between strategic planning for business units and business entities.
 Company mission.
 Company profile.
 External environment.
 Strategic analysis and choice.
 Long term objective
 Grand Strategy (primary and comprehensive activity plan).
 Annual objectives
 Functional strategies.
 Policies

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Jl. Kenanga 3 No.18 Tlp/Fax (021) 5304598 Jakarta
Jakarta, 10 November 2011
Reservation Departement
Arcadia Hotel
Jl.Ampera Raya No.57 Jakarta

Dear Sir/Mam,
I would like to book 10 rooms for 20 person. On book 18 November 2011for 5 night, type of room is deluxe and for contact person is Mr Rayn the number is (021)5304598. they will come to your hotel at for 10 am by bus, so please make sure that the rooms are ready on that time. Because they will be very tried after one day travelling for the billing instruction, my company will pay for the rooms only and another consumptions will be personal account and special request daily news paper and mini bar.
For the rooming list will be sent to your hotel by fax after receiving your confirmation about this reservation. So please send your confirmation as soon as possible. Thank you very much .

My best regard,

Muhamad Darno
Manager of Darno Tours and Travel.

Jl. Kenanga 3 No.18 Tlp/Fax (021) 5304598 Jakarta
Jakarta, 10 November 2011

This is the rooming list :
1. Mr. Angga Saputra and Mr. Adytia
2. Mr. Robert and Mr. Andi
3. Mr.Andryansyah and Mr. Aldiansyah
4. Mr.David and Mr. Reynaldo
5. Mr. Arfan and Mr. Hamdani
6. Mr. Augusto and Mr. Halim
7. Mr. Albert and Mr. Ricky
8. Mr. Aldi Andana and Mr. fernando
9. Mr. Agus and Mr. Budi
10. Mr.Gunawan and Mr. Septia Hadi